Friday, June 11, 2010

Now Casting: Auditions: "City of Actors"



The Actor's Project NYC (TAPNYC), a unique theatre company that assists its members in landing agents and getting work through industry showcases and plays, is casting  City of Actors, a full-length theatrical showcase of music, scenes, monologues, and sketch comedy, all original works by TAPNYC company writers. The company is also casting three other industry shows and an original play. Past productions have been attended by producers (Broadway, Off-Broadway & off-off-Broadway, film, and TV), agents (commercial and legit), managers, and casting directors. Bobby Holder, prod.-dir. Performs Summer/Fall 2010 in NYC.

Seeking-Actors: male and female, 18+, all ethnicities.

Auditions/interviews will be held by appt. only in NYC. To schedule an audition/interview, email pix & résumés to For more info, Membership dues are $250 per season (averages less than $65 a month) and include agent coaching, résumé workshops, bio workshops, branding yourself workshops, and writing workshops; after three seasons actors have the option to become lifetime members, who are not required to pay dues. Possible pay provided; actors cast in company plays share 60 percent of the profits (you must be an accepted member to participate). Nonunion

"After attending two recent showcases put on by Bobby Holder and The Actors Project NYC  I was thrilled by the quality of the performers.
It was wonderful to see such a variety of types with acting, singing and comedy chops!"  INGRID FRENCH (TALENT MANAGER IFM)
"The Actor's Project NYC approach displays the actor's talents
in a new and creative way, allowing the actor's unique abilities to be utilized." 
"I thought all of the actors were very talented and the showcase was put together very well.  There is a successful future for many of them (TAPNYC Actors)!" ERICA MORAN (TALENT AGENT AVALON)
"The Actor's Project NYC showcases always provides a wealth of talent and abilities. I saw an amazing range of actors to pull from for casting needs. Not many shows can boast this many talented actors in one sitting. If you haven't seen these folks in action, do so today! " MICHAEL RODERICK (PRODUCER SMALL POND ENTERTAINMENT)

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